Phrasal Verbs 11
Break up: sona ermek (end)
We will break the meeting up at 11:00.
Break up: ilişkiyi sonlandırmak, ayrılmak (leave)
She broke up her 8-year relationship yesterday, so it will take her a long time to recover.
Break up: parçalara ayrılmak, parçalamak (separate, disintegrate)
The mirror fell and broke up thousands of pieces.
Carry out: yürütmek, uygulamak (perform)
An investigation is being carried out by the police
Figure out: anlamak, çözmek (understand, solve)
The identity of the murderer in the book has still not been figured out.
Get at: eleştirmek (criticize)
The young man is always got at by his friends for his dressing style.
Get at: ulaşmak (reach)
I could barely get at my book on the cupboard.
Keep out: dışarıda tutmak, yaklaşmamak (stay out, prevent from entering)
Sharp tools should be kept out of reach of children.
Let out: salıvermek, çıkartmak (allow to leave a place)
The farmer let the sheep out to graze.
Let out: ses çıkarmak (make noise)
The crowd let out a noise in unison.