Phrasal Verbs 13
Break down: bozulmak (stop working)
The image keeps going in and out, I think the TV is about to break down.
Break down: ağlamak, kendini kaybetmek (start crying)
He broke down with tears when he heard that his father had died.
Break down: sağlığın bozulması (collapse due to illness or fatigue)
Her health broke down after years of smoking.
Come to: ayrılmak (regain consciousness)
She fainted because she was scared of the loud noise, she will come to herself soon.
Go off: patlamak, ateş almak (explode, be fired)
The bomb went off at midnight
Go off: alarmın çalması (start making a noise as a signal)
I was late for my morning meeting because my alarm didn’t go off.
Go off: kesilmek, durmak (stop working)
The wind went off when the rain started
Go off: yiyeceğin bozulması (become inedible)
The food that had been waiting on the counter for three days had gone off.
Stand by: bırakmamak, terketmemek, destek olmak (not leave, support, remain, faithful)
She stood by her friend while he was having hard times.
Stand by: hiçbir şey yapmadan durmak (do nothing)
While she was trying to find the answer to the question, the teacher stand by.