Phrasal Verbs 6
Break away: kaçmak (escape)
The thieves found a way to break away from prison.
Break away: ayrılmak (leave)
When Ali called, they had already broke away the house.
Come at: saldırmak (attack)
The attacker came at a woman with a child walking on the road.
Do without: bir şey olmadan da idare etmek (manage without something)
This dish would do without chili peppers.
Fill in: doldurmak, bilgi vermek (put something in the empty space, to give information)
Fill in the blanks in this document and return it to us.
Fill in: birinin yerini geçici olarak doldurmak (do someone’s job temporarily)
The president has had a heart attack, so the vice president will fill in until he recovers.
Go over: gözden geçirmek, dikkatle incelemek (look at carefully, scrutinize, analyze)
Everyone must go over the reports to make sure we haven’t missed anything.
Go over: belli bir etkiyi uyandırmak (to produce a particular reaction)
The works of art in the exhibition went over good feelings in everyone.
Look up: bir kitaptan bir bilgiyi aramak (search for information)
She looked up the meanings of the words in the homework assignment in the encyclopedia.
Look up: uğramak (visit)
When you come to work, don’t forget to look me up.