Phrasal Verbs 8
Break off: koparmak (detach)
The children broke a branch off the young tree.
Break off: bitirmek, sonlandırmak (terminate)
You must break off your projects by the end of the term.
Come along: varmak (arrive)
We were talking when Ayşe came along.
Come along: gelişmek (develop)
Our sales are coming along day by day.
Fall apart: parçalara ayrılmak (come to pieces)
The figurine in my room fell apart.
Fall apart: duygusal açıdan kontrolü kaybetmek (be unable to think logically)
He fell apart after his mother’s death.
Look over: gözden geçirmek, incelemek (look or read carefully)
The professor looked over the exam paper and pointed out the places where she saw mistakes.
Make up: uydurmak (invent)
He attracted the attention of children with the stories he made up in an instant.
Make up: makyaj yapmak (apply cosmetics)
Young girls loved watching makeup videos.
Make up: oluşturmak (constitute)
This food makes up forty percent of protein.