Phrasal Verbs 9
Bring out: üretmek (produce)
The company announced that they will bring out a new vacuum cleaner model.
Bring out: yayınlamak, basmak (publish)
The new issue of the magazine is brought out on Monday.
Bring out: ortaya çıkarmak (emphasize, highlight)
This sweater brings out the color of your eyes.
Fall to: kalmak, payına düşmek (be responsible for something)
Washing the dishes fell to me last night.
Get on: ilerleme kaydetmek (make progress)
After one year of study, math results got on.
Get on: geçinmek (live or work pleasantly together)
He doesn’t get on very well with his sister.
Get on: binmek (board a vehicle)
Meltem got on the bus to go to school.
Go up: yükselmek, artmak (increase)
Refrigerator prices gone up by 10 percent.
Go up: yukarı çıkmak, tırmanmak, gitmek (move to a higher position)
We will go up the mountain tomorrow with our team.
Hear from: birisinden haber ya da mektup almak (receive message from someone)
I haven’t heard of you for many years.